April NO Spend Month and the Trick to Not Spending Money

This month I am 100% committed to not spending any money on “shopping”- aka clothes, makeup, shoes, bags, more clothes or more makeup.

After the two months of reckless spending I have just had- with Sephora online trips and Target going out of business….. it has been rough times for my budget.

SO, that is all behind me. And I will NOT spend money this month. The only thing I have to buy that is not a necessity is a gift for my Best Friend’s birthday.

And the way I’m going to ensure success??

1. NOT STEP into a mall, store or go on any websites. This is the easiest way. If you don’t see it- you can’t buy it. Or better yet, if you’re not in front of it- you can’t buy it.

2. Keep a “wishlist” the whole month. As something that I want/need pops up into my mind I am going to write it down on the list. At the end of the month I am going to go over that list and see if I still do in fact want those things, or if they were just impulse wants. I’ll devise a plan of attack when I see the leftover items on the list.

Those are my tips for not spending aimlessly. Do you guys have any good tips when you’re trying to cut down on spending or not spend at all?


2 thoughts on “April NO Spend Month and the Trick to Not Spending Money

  1. I’m with you honey! I’ve been so guilty of that! I have a gazillion items on my wish list with Younique!


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